Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We're Now OK

What a hell is all I can say!! But indeed of that ridiculous moment, I can now upload and start my new day. I can't imagine that I and my friend didn't talk for a single day or look to each other because of a single mistake. It's just because of going to our house!! Get it, not much. haha!And I can't bear that it was our fault (I'm not the only one,we're three!). A day past by and we don't have regrets to apologize to her for some reasons. I've just been txt her last night to apologize to her and guess what happens,she txt back and said we're friends after all.That girl is our PRESIDENT in our room,and I can't lie that she is PRETTY(is that WORD a BRIBE?,maybe) haha! I hope that she and her best friend, Arvi are now ok. I guess we just need some time to think what was really happened.But for me I must say that we are now ok after all! Arvi, don't worry 'cause I know that the two of you will be ok, besides, you are the best of friends, right? CHEER up to all of us!! To the other side of the corner of our room, the most reliable happen in my life was when my friend are trying to say to my CRUSH that I like him,but I guess not too much!! Well, anyway, I hope that he didn't take it serious!! To badette, you are getting in your way, try to put some BLUSH ON instead of EYE LINER, what do you think? haha! Just kidding. That's all for today. See you next time! Just steady on my blog because I'm on the spot! See Yah!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Hello to all the bloggers especially rhianne and jhoana and of course to my and only CHRIS TIU!!

It's almost the end of the day but I would not end it without writing to my first blog. I've been busy all day because of talking and having a good time to my fellow TIUnatics. Of course TIUnatics means the one and only fanns club of CHRIS TIU,as if! But i didn't mend that CHRIS TIU have only 3 fans,we're just the # 1 and the original fan! Uhmm,nothing more to say,,but before i end this,I just want to say thank you to all the fans that have supported the ATENEO till the end!!


Hello to III j.keats especially the 4G and to Mrs. Tamayo!! cheer up Maricar!!
This all I can say,till nxt time, just steady to my blog because I'm on the spot!! : )